Quote of the Day

Our thoughts, our attitude, and our actions in the morning can have a strong effect on our whole day. We may wake up feeling happy, depressed, energetic, exhausted, etc.  We can either expect to have a good day or to focus on our problems and all the things on our to-do lists. Our thoughts createContinue reading “Quote of the Day”

Monday Check-Ins & Virtual Postcards

Welcome back to a new and VERY different school year! Creating and maintaining positive school cultures during a “normal” school year takes intentionality and creativity. Creating and maintaining positive school cultures through a pandemic, well…that is a challenge like no other, to say the least! If the beginning of the school year has been anythingContinue reading “Monday Check-Ins & Virtual Postcards”

End-of-the-Year Staff Meetings

I know I am not alone in saying that things have been a bit crazy lately! As educators, we went from looking forward to a much-needed Spring Break to (for many of us) working through our Spring Break back in March or April. Here we are now, either nearing the last day of school (orContinue reading “End-of-the-Year Staff Meetings”

Collaborative Team Recipe “Book”

Today we held our first “Coffee & Check-In” with our school team. I got this great idea from one of my principal Facebook groups. In the 30 minutes we took to catch up with one another, we discovered a few things about one another like the fact that one teacher had tried her first FacebookContinue reading “Collaborative Team Recipe “Book””

Digital Postcards

As school leaders, you have probably visited more “classes” than you have in quite a while now that we are living a “Distance Learning” life. It has been so amazing to be able to “visit” so many online classes and get to see our students’ and teachers’ faces, say hello, be part of their learning,Continue reading “Digital Postcards”

“Fab Fridays in February”

It’s February; the beginning of what can be a tough month for keeping staff energy and morale high. At this point in the year, we are entering our 7th  month of school and we are tired! We still have quite a few weeks to go before Spring Break, so how about planning “Fab Fridays inContinue reading ““Fab Fridays in February””

“Game Changer”

Now that we know who is going to the Super Bowl, let’s have some fun during the 2 weeks leading up to the Super Bowl! We all know that educators are true game changers, so the name of this idea is called exactly that- “Game Changer.”  It’s a fun and simple idea that was sharedContinue reading ““Game Changer””