
Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting my blog, “Keeping it Simple with Principal Gomez,” a place where I will be sharing ideas about what I am passionate about;  celebrating students, celebrating staff and creating a positive school culture. My name is Jessica Gomez. I have been an elementary school principal in Southern California for 10 years. As principals, we are not only key to leading academic growth, but we are also key to providing a safe, nurturing, and positive school environment for our students and staff for this work to take place. 

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you will see that I love to share ideas on how we celebrate students and staff and how we work together to create a positive school culture.  My goal is that by sharing the simple things and ideas we do at our school, could hopefully impact other schools as well. 

In January 2020, my dear friend, Adam Welcome, was visiting and he encouraged me to continue sharing my passion with the world. So here it is; my blog. Sometimes you just need someone to believe in you and encourage you to step out of that comfort zone, and just do it!

From that conversation, the ideas just started coming! Each week, both here on my blog and on my YouTube channel, I will be sharing an idea that I have either used at my school site or have learned about from my PLN, that is focused on celebrating kids, celebrating staff, and building positive school cultures. Simplicity is key here, hence,  “Keeping it Simple with Principal Gomez.” 

My blog posts will essentially be where you want to come to access downloadable resources and links that I mention on my weekly YouTube videos. My hope is that you will be inspired to try some of the ideas shared or use them as a launching pad for something greater. I’d love to hear about the great ideas you are implementing at your school sites that help to build your positive school culture.
